Well, now that I'm in Day 2 of my education about Blogging, I find out that you acquire "Followers" which gives this whole thing a creepy cyber cult-like feel. I guess if I had 5-million followers, General Mills would take note and ask me to promote their new breakfast drink and start sending me money so I could set at home and come up with new, hilarious comedy and never get out of my pajamas.
After eight hours of having a Blog, I have one follower, my cousin Beth. Seven people have visited my blog, six said "don't think so!", but cousin Beth threw her hat in the ring as my first follower and for that I am forever grateful (if you knew cousin Beth you'd understand, if my humor is out in left field, hers is in the upper deck, whatever that means).
Here's the deal, Cousin Beth. In order for me to get massive numbers of followers, you're going to have to contact five million of your friends and ask them to join. They don't have to actually do anything, we're just after numbers here. Jessa has said she'll take care of closing the General Mills deal. We'll be rich beyond our wildest dreams and you'll be rich with the satisfaction of knowing that you've blessed me and my dear family. Get to work...hurry.
In the meantime, I'm going to become a follower of myself. If this were a Star Trek-The Next Generation episode, that would send me through the time-space continuum to the point where Spock and Kirk met Pickard and Data. I'll let you know what happens...ahead Jessa, warp factor one.
Make that FOUR followers! 4,999,996 to go!